Rebooting My Entire System

My organic system 
that is!

After watching an amazing documentary along side my wonderful husband tonight, we both got inspired to rethink the way we eat and live. The documentary is called "Fat, Sick and Nearly dead". Well, we're not at that point thank goodness but clearly we're doing something wrong. I haven't lost the extra 15 lbs I added on during my pregnancy, I suffer migraines that I must relieve with hot spicy foods and I have chronic hives which are driving me crazy! As for my husband, he has put on an extra 40 lbs and feeling pretty crappy.

And so, 97 minutes later, we closed the television and looked at each other completely energized by the idea of starting our own juice fasting. But first we will have to get a good juicer, followed by a well planned grocery list. I think I will do a little research on vegetable juice recipes as well.

August 17 marks the day we commited to change. I hope I don't change my mind by tomorrow when I smell the coffee in the office!


Serenity said...

I say it's perfectly alright to start a new year's resolution at any point in the year! I'll be rooting for you and your hubby. Keep us updated on your progress through your blog. Looking forward to watching the doc myself.
Be well.

Contributor said...

Oh my goodness Serenity, thanks for the support, I believe this time we will really keep it up. And I am hoping to see changes one of which to get rid of my migraines entirely - let's see.... to be followed.

Unknown said...

Inspired & inspiring!!!

Contributor said...

I am still inspired, and getting the juicer ready!