Self Appreciation is a Must for Parenting
When I am not appreciating myself, I am not able to appreciate my kids. When my kids do not feel appreciated, they become over-sensitive to everything… This snowball effect is a reoccurring bad pattern. Determined to change this pattern, I am striving for self-awareness.
Parenting becomes easier, as I am learning to center myself as an individual. Utilizing Hatha Yoga, I am balancing my needs and wants as a person and as a mother. I accept myself, as I am; instead of being disappointed or proud from an egotistic view of myself.
Here are some guidelines that I use to map emotional reactions. First, develop tender affection for your entire self. Use supportive and encouraging words when talking to yourself, then you will have more patience and ability to attend to your children and spouse. Second, when you recognize a trigger to discontent, accept this opportunity for self awareness. Think of your childhood and your ideal life in a broad sense to trace the source of discomfort within yourself. Finally, take steps to change and heal this new found understanding of your needs.
Most important tip for a parent striving for self appreciation – breathe. Breathe to enjoy a moment. Breathe to separate yourself from a bad experience. Breathe to appreciate where you are at this moment. Breathe into empowerment. Breathe into contentment. Monitor your inhales and exhales; try to enjoy both inhaling and exhaling.
~Christy Camp (Yoga Parent)
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