Has parenting got anything to do with inner peace?

Yoga Parent:

Sustaining inner peace is a learned process for me. Increasingly, I achieve inner peace on a day to day basis, minute by minute. Determined toward self-reliance with dependants, a.k.a. parenting, maintaining peace challenges my every cell!  So, I look for ways and means of sustaining my peace of mind…throughout my body… Connecting spiritually is my preferred means of sustaining peace in my mind and body.

I believe Deepak Choprah exhibits eloquence with words on this point, in a book titled The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents: Guiding Your Children to Success and Fulfillment. He wrote the following excerpt, in a chapter on Parenting and the Gift of Spirit.

“Human Beings are made of body, mind and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness. The more connected we are, the more we will enjoy the abundance of the universe, which has been organized to fulfill wishes and desires. Only in a state of disconnection do we suffer and struggle. The divine intention is for every human being to enjoy unlimited success. Success, therefore, is supremely natural.”

In the next pages, Deepak describes spiritual laws in kid terms. I melt as I read them, re-word them, and recite them. I like the suggestions he provides to implement these laws also.

More parents and kids today are finding themselves, as they engage in a relationship with their core and spirit. I believe, inside the core or “inner child” is a desire to connect with divinity or eternal peace. This inspires me to develop “Inner Child Yoga,” so I can play with kids.
Parenting or mentoring a child may be the ultimate responsibility. I am challenged to parent, when I refuse to find peace within myself. Once peace is established with my inner child, then parenting flows freely.

What do you think about spirit and inner peace? Do you consider parenting as a means of sharing peace? Has parenting got anything to do with inner peace?

Learning to live in this moment

Christy Camp, RYTT

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you'll want to add a facebook button to your website. I just marked down the url, although I had to do it manually. Just my suggestion.