YogaParent: Is Earth Day Every Day, in Every Way?

Today is Earth Day.  Kids are inspired to keep litter off the ground and out of the sea. 
On the playground, I was surprised by a student's dedication to pick up small pieces of trash.  She wondered why kids litter.  She wanted to make a sign that read:   

Don’t Litter. Or, Go to the Principal’s Office!
She inspired a friend to care about the litter and the Earth.  The friend started talking about “people who litter...”  How much litter she saw caused her to furrow her brow.  She switched to questioning. She asked me if I believed in “God.”  She said, “God is in the sky and with us.”  Then, she reminded me that, “Earth Day is Every Day!”

I was amazed by her thoughts.  Earth and Sky were not separated in her vision. Can Earth and Sky be separated? 
As a parent, I connect love to everything, as much as possible.  Earth is easy to love and respect.  People are easier to love, with grace.

Earth Day photography by PBS Learning Media

PBS Learning Media is a great resource for kids, parents, and teachers.

 Christy Camp, RYTT

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